meal times
Start Right Childcare Centre is a NUT-FREE, and FISH-FREE environment at this time due to anaphylaxis allergies at our centre. These foods, or any prodcuts containing them are NOT allowed within our program spaces to ensure the safety of all affected children. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our centre safe for everyone!
Start Right Childcare Centre offers nutritious, and delicious meals prepared by our cater M. Albert Catering Ltd. (formally M. Halpert Catering Ltd.). They support our centre by preparing meals that are Halal, kosher, and free of all allergens where necessary for children in our program. We are a nut-free(including tree nuts) centre. We do not serve pork, or any products containing pork.Â
"At M. Albert Catering Limited, we strive to meet any request made of us in order to provide a more appropriate meal for each child we serve. Any meal substituted in its entirety will still be offered in a form that is nutritionally sound, aesthetically pleasing, and good tasting."
We provide children with a morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack while in our care. You can view a sample hot lunch menu by clicking here, or our snack menu by clicking here.
You can view more information about our caterer by clicking here.